Monday, September 6, 2010

I have no good excuse!

It's been way too long since I have blogged. A lot has happened but not so many pics to show for it. My Dad and Daniele flew in on Saturday and is here for 10 days. Yay!

We are having a lot of fun so far. We are planning to go to the beach today if the weather is nice.

Quick recap:
Indoor Volleyball season is over. Needless to say, we did not do well but it was a lot of fun!

I have not made too many delicious meals or taken any pics. Mainly we've been eating Black Beans and Rice. LT thinks I am too much of a "Queenie" to do it so I had to prove him wrong. ;) It was him who said, "Let's go out!" (Thanks goodness because I was about to give in.) LOL!

Luke turned 7!

Isn't he so cute! We went to Busch Gardens but didn't take any pics. I didn't want to carry a camera around all day.

What else has been going on?

I started my Mary Kay business. I am very excited about it! The products are amazing. They have such great core values within the company, such as no animal testing, supporting Habitat for Humanity, helping women have a career with no "glass ceiling" and most importanty, God First, Family Second and Career Third. I love that!
I came home on Thursday to find my started kit waiting for me in a pretty pink box.

It was a lot of fun unpacking my things.  The new mineral makeup is awesome! I can't wait until my debut party. My good friend, Victoria, is going to let me practice a facial on her this week. I can't wait!

I decided to become a MK consultant because I want to go back to school full time to become an Audiologist. As a Hearing Aid Specialist I am able to see patients over 18 yrs old and diagnose and treat hearing loss. It's my dream to work with children so I would have to become an Audiologist first. Also, I love the way Dr. Ashley Nicole Camblin looks! =) So anyway, my goal is to supplement my income so that I can go to school full time. Once I graduate I want to work for an elementary school to work with children with hearing aids and FM systems. I can just see myself, driving into the parking lot of an elementary school in my Pink Cadillac wearing my lab coat that says Dr. Ashley and a bunch of cute kids with colorful hearing aids greeting me as I start my morning. Oh sorry, I was day dreaming a bit. =)
So now that I have my starter kit, my debut party scheduled and a practice facial with Victoria, I need to order my website and business cards.

Well, that's all that's happening here. I will try to do some food post soon.


1 comment:

  1. Busy, busy, BUSY! You are movin' shakin' and taking names... and having fun while doing it all!

    Love the pics of Luke, appears he cleaned up for his big number 7! Such a handsome boy!

    And speaking of good pics, your dad and Daniele look like they are having a good time already! You never know, Florida may suit them enough to set up house!

    Keep us all posted on the Mary Kay... don't forget those of us just a few states away, I wouldn't mind trying out some of the mineral line, love how light that make up feels.

    I totally can see you in the pink caddy with the lab coat. Dr. Ashley Nicole Camblin has such a ring to it... start practicing that doctor's signature!

    Keep day dreaming Ashley, it keeps your eye on the target and turns the dreams into a reality. :)
