Monday, October 4, 2010


As suggested by my Mom, here is a Microblog of what's been up. ;)

Fall decorations provided by Luke:

I whipped up some yummy fall recipes too:

Wild Rice Stuffed Squash

I didn't save the seeds. I remembered as I was scooping them into the trash. Oops. But I did make Pumpkin Seeds. Luke practically begged me to make them. Very sweet. =)

My Pumpkin Seed "Butter"
I almost forgot to take a picture of the seeds, luckily there was a little left after we all devoured them after dinner.

Everything tasted better when being washed down with a Pumpkin Ale. Mmmm.

That's what I call a Microblog. =)


  1. Yay! Great pics and a perfect microblog! ;)

    I am going to try those seeds... yummy!

  2. I like the microblog! With your crazy-busy life, that is a great idea.
    The food looks does the beer. ;)
